Fast Track to Service Plumbing
Special Promotion through January 29, 2021: Two for the price of one!
BOGO until January 29, 2021 - buy one enrollment and receive one for free!

PHCC recently launched the much-anticipated Fast Track to Service Plumbing online course, developed by contractors for contractors. This is a comprehensive entry-level training program for employees who do residential or commercial plumbing service and repair work. The goal of this program is to get an employee trained and productive within the first year of being hired.

To learn about the course syllabus and the PHCC Academy® learning platform, and to get details about how this program differs from E.Learning 4-year registered apprentice program.

Watch recorded DEMO: PHCC Fast Track to Service Plumbing

For more information about the Fast Track to Service Plumbing Program, click here.