PHCC Legislative Update

The 2021 Legislative Session is underway with 38 days remaining with over 600 bills introduced thus far. Many significant bills have a long way to go in the legislative process and we expect they will use the full 120 days. The estimated end date is June 10. 

PHCC-CO has taken positions on seven bills thus far. You can access the bill tracker here. 

PHCC-CO. We have joined other groups in voicing concerns on the many bills that would affect the way business operates in Colorado. While these bills have a strong likelihood of passage, amendments have been added or are being considered which will make the bills more palatable. 

The $32 billion state budget has passed. The state had a significant surplus compared to last year with $5 billion more to spend or save. The surplus meant that the legislature was able to restore many of the significant cuts made last fiscal year. Since much of the additional money was one-time in nature, they used it to invest in construction and infrastructure, buy down future state obligations and bring reserves to historically high levels.

In addition to the normal state budget, there is an additional $700 million in state stimulus that was proposed by the Governor. This package includes investments in:

  • COVID-19 and economic relief for business
  • Infrastructure projects
  • Broadband access
  • Clean energy and environmental programs
  • Housing assistance 
  • Etc. 

The latest federal stimulus package, The American Plan Act (ARPA) is expected to bring a significant amount of money to Colorado, anywhere upwards of $4 billion dollars. The state is awaiting federal guidance on how these funds may be spent and how long it will have to spend them. It is likely that the legislature will convene for a special session in late summer/early fall to allocate the funds.