National Apprenticeship Week: November 13 - 19, 2017

Posted: November 13, 2017

National Apprenticeship Week is a National Celebration that offers leaders in business, labor, education, and other critical partners a chance to express their support for Apprenticeship. Click here to learn more. 

How PHCC is supporting Apprenticeship: 

As an ApprenticeshipUSA leader, PHCC is consistently promoting the value of apprenticeship training. The mission of the Educational Foundation is to provide workforce development, management education and technical training to advance the growth and career success of those employed in the plumbing and HVACR industry. Read more about our Training Program and Career Center

PHCC Colorado President, Susan Frew, addressed the skills gap in our country and the importance of growing the workforce in her Tedx talk this month. Susan discussed the 1 Million skilled workers that will be missing from our workforce in the next 3-5 years - baby boomers, the largest part of our workforce, are aging out of the system. With 80% of her own plumbing business clients being women, Susan wonders if the answer to this crisis might be women themselves. Watch Susan's Tedx Talk Here